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Ever tempted to do an Atari ST conversion?

Well, I only did the intro of the game, the game itself was written by Chema, and in this version it’s probably 90% 6502 assembler.

That being said, I believe (would have to ask Chema) the original isometric engine was in C, so technically that would be possible to adapt to the ST relatively easily.

One of the biggest problems with the Oric, is that on that machine the minimal “graphic cell” is made of 6 pixels, not 8, that makes conversions to and from the machine to other plateforms quite complicated.


My fave game on the Oric

Glad you like it, it was Chema’s big first almost solo game on the machine, and I think Twilighte did a great job with the rendition of the original music on the Oric soundchip!

And didn't you help with the intro gfx?

Yes, I made most of the intro sequence code and graphics :)

Congrats it is awesome!


Same here : ))