What about Twilighte?

What about Twilighte?

2013 was supposed to be a cool year, a year of celebration for the 30years of this good old Oric computer.

It turned out to be the year of our biggest loss.

Twilighte, aka Jonathan Bristow, was by far the most dedicated Orician ever.

By himself has released more games, demos and tools than anyone else.

He probably actually did more Oric stuff than all other Oric persons together (or close).

Twilighte gave us Zip’n Zap, Magnetix, Pulsoids, Sound Tracker, ODelight, Impossible Mission, Stormlord, Hide, and was busy working on Times of Lore, SWIV, OType, Wurlde, Cybernood and probably half a dozen other projects he did not have the time to complete.

Some of you have probably met him at the Assembly, Alternative Party, SOTA, VIP or even the LCP parties. Some of you may have had a drink after a CEO meeting, or had some good time in a pub in his native England.

He has been fighting a rare form of skin disease for the good part of the last decade, and finally passed away the 28th of May 2013.

I was busy at the time preparing this Oric minigame for the @Party, so I decided to give an homage in this game.

The “funny” thing, is that I’m releasing this to an American party, which I believe he never had any contact with, so probably most of you have never ever heard of the Oric name in first place.

Well, that’s life I guess.

So long my friend.

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